What is Biofeedback and Bioresonance therapy?

The basic theory that underpins Biofeedback and Bioresonance therapy is that all matter, animate or inanimate, radiates energy. Everything absorbs energy by unique wave fields. As all matter radiates energy and that radiation will differ according to the matter it relates to, this means that each element will have a unique identity, its own unique fingerprint.

About Us

Learn more about our principal and founder, Julie Langton Smith, as well as our practitioners and training centres.

About Biofeedback and Bioresonance Technology

Biofeedback and Bioresonance is understood by complementary practitioners as a branch of natural medicine.

Our Courses

Certificates in Nutrition and Diet, diplomas in Food Sensitivity Testing and Bioresonance Business training.

Certificate in Nutrition and Diet Training

Certificate in Nutrition and Diet Training

This is an interactive online course will be of interest to anyone interested in learning move about healthy eating, nutrition and diet.

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology

This accredited course is designed for all people who have a genuine interest in how the human body operates

Diploma in Food Sensitivity Testing

Diploma in Food Sensitivity Testing

This course focuses on testing for Food Sensitivity, Intolerances and Allergies using Bioresonance and Biofeedback Digital Scanning Devices.

Bioresonance Practitioner in Business

Bioresonance Practitioner in Business

This course is only available to those students who have already gained appropriate qualifications prior to doing the BPT.


Real stories, from real clients, feeling real differences.

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